Hello Division Members!
Here are the sessions sponsored by our division, as well as the time and location for our reception: all are invited!
Reception: Friday, 10 January, 7:00–8:15 p.m., Armitage, Chicago Marriott
Thursday, 9 January
180. Stealing Lives: Appropriation, Hoaxes, Ownership
7:00–8:15 p.m.
Program arranged by the Division on Autobiography, Biography, and Life Writing
Presiding: Julie Rak, Univ. of Alberta
1. “‘That Ain Me’: Race and the Fake Memoir,” Heidi Bollinger, Hostos Community Coll., City Univ. of New York
2. “Victim/Victor: Stalking the Subject of Life Writing,” Molly Pulda, Graduate Center, City Univ. of New York
3. “The Biographical Novel: A Misappropriated Life or Truthful Fiction?” Michael Donald Lackey, Univ. of Minnesota, Morris
4. “Collaboration and Consent,” Brian J. Norman, Loyola Coll.
Saturday, 11 January
563. Postcolonial Graphic Memoirs
1:45–3:00 p.m.
Program arranged by the Division on Autobiography, Biography, and Life Writing
Presiding: Linda Haverty Rugg, Univ. of California, Berkeley
1. “Malamine, un africain à Paris: A Closer Look at Contemporary Postcolonial Unbelonging,” Michelle Bumatay, Univ. of California, Los Angeles
2. “Self-Construction of a Transnational Feminine Identity in an Andean Context: Power Paola’s Virus Tropical,” Felipe Gómez, Carnegie Mellon Univ.
3. “Drawing Memories, Visualizing Texts: Transnational Belonging in GB Tran’s Vietnamerica,” Lan Dong, Univ. of Illinois, Springfield
4. “Illustrating Alternate Narratives: Unconsumable Racialized Bodies of Young Women in Half World and Skim,” Michelle O’Brien, Univ. of British Columbia
Sunday, 12 January
674. The Work of Life Writing in and for Vulnerable Ethnic Communities
8:30–9:45 a.m.
Program arranged by the Office of the Executive Director
Presiding: Irene Kacandes, Dartmouth Coll.
1. “Risking Vulnerability: The African American Conversion Narrative and the Burden of Slavery,” Susan Beth Winnett, Heinrich-Heine-Universität
2. “‘Hundreds of Bodies on Two Continents, Telling a Single Story’: Assembling Narratives of Genocide in Clea Koff’s The Bone Woman,” Kimberly Nance, Illinois State Univ.
3. “Refugee Life Writing in Australia: Redefining the Testimonio,” Laetitia Nanquette, Univ. of New South Wales
4. “My Country versus Me: Technology, Espionage, and Chinese American Life Writing,” Yuan Shu, Texas Tech Univ.